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Self Love..Self Care...How I Incorporate #selflove In My Busy Daily Schedule

"I have come to believe that caring for myself is not self-indulgent. Caring for my self is an act of survival"

Do you forget to take care of yourself?

I know, busy lives with kids, or maybe no kids, but work, marriage, and or taking care of a love one. We often forget to take care of our mind, body and soul. Sad but truth.

Do you feel exhausted that the thought of polishing your nails, or taking a hot soak in the tub after a long day sounds almost impossible ? Let's face it #selfcare for us is often overlooked and shoved under the table. And the truth is, longer down the road we will suffer from the results of not taking care of us.

What is self care? Self care is one's ability to take care of own well being and happiness.

I'm a mother of one, working in the Medical field, long 8 hours a day , I have a home, part-time job, daily homework with my son, cooking and household chores. After that's done I'm to exhausted to lift a finger. But I realized if I don't take care of me who else will? My favorite blogger/Mom Jenelle B Stewart recently shared what she does for self care and I wanted to see if I can somehow incorporate this in my daily schedule.

If I managed to take care of everyone and everything else I should have time for me right?

Here are some ways I incorporate #selflove in my daily routine.


I recently start each day with reading a bible scripture First 5, this app can be downloaded on your I phone or Android phone. Its a daily inspirational message that helps you connect with God for the first 5 minutes of your day.

Saturday is my day of pampering. It's a day where I take a few hours for myself. Which includes washing my hair, DIY facials, polishing my nails and toes, listening to Pandora, reading a book or watching You Tube videos.

Planning in both my Mini Happy planner and Recollection planner helps me to keep organized for the upcoming week.

At least 3 times week for bath time I indulge in one of my favorite body scrubs. My favorite are Cream and Coco Mocha Sumatra or The Organic Loft Whipped Soap Sugar Scrub. Which every one I grab first I use Usually I alternate between the two.

I light a candle in my bathroom while showering or in my bedroom before bed.

After my bath I lather my skin with one of my body butters. My top favorites currently are the Cream and Coco Juicy Green Mango Crushed Coconut Butter and Rum N Raisen

Drinking a glass of milk right before bed helps me to sleep better. LOL who else does this?

And just like that you can easily add a few self care in your daily routine. I do plan to incorporate more very soon.

Please share what #selfcare routine do you do for your self. Remember it's important don't sleep on it.

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